
For my three adult children, Sienna, Kalib, and Christopher. I enjoy(ed) bringing you joy every year as children, and I do hope that you will carry on the Christmas tradition in years to come. I love you all so very much. 💋
Love, Mom

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Foundling: A Novel - by Ann Leary


Book Title:  The Foundling: A Novel

Author:  Ann Leary
Genre:  Historic, Fiction
Main Character:  Mary, Lillian, Dr. Vogel
Story Setting:  Pennsylvania, Nettleton State Village for the Feebleminded Women of Childbearing Age 

Story Summary:  
Mary Engle works for Dr. Vogel of the Nettleton State Village for the Feebleminded Women of Childbearing age.  She recognizes one of the residents as Lillian, a person she was raised at an orphanage with.  She knows Lillian is not feebleminded.  She wants to help Lillian escape the asylum.

Review:  I really enjoyed this book.  Though a work of fiction, it was based off true events according to the author whose grandmother worked for a similar asylum during the 1920s.  

The book does NOT take place during Christmas time.  It is NOT a Christmas book, but toward the end of the book, it is Winter and Christmastime.  The book is riveting, a suspense, a thriller, and dramatic.  I recommend it to anyone who likes historic fiction.  Note, the wording for mentally challenged or disabled people is crass and outdated, reminiscient of the time before diagnostic names were used to categorize and identify mental disorders and challenges.  

I suggest this book to anyone who is curious about the way the mentally challenged were treated, or even the normal were treated before certain laws were implemented.  This book showcases racism, misogyny, and how people treated people back then.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas 2024

Merry Christmas from the Arcala-Dillard-Tirona household. 

No big tree this year due to Alzheimer's Disease and the fact we have a cat we are caring for.  The cat gets into everything and Alzheimer's Disease creates chaos when there are drastic changes to the environment.

The coffee table has a tiny tabletop tree on it and we used the TV screensaver to keep the holiday spirit in the air.  Our Alexa Echo Dot played Christmas music in the background.

To prevent my mom from sun-downing too fast, I have to remove the Christmas decorations very slowly. So maybe one thing every day. Last January, she was so mad after my sister packed up all the Christmas stuff early in the morning while my mom was still asleep. My mom woke up, realized something was missing (Christmas decor) and suddenly assumed a suit, kimono, pajama, jacket...the list goes on and on, was stolen from her. All of those things are nothing she owned. She just didn't know what was different and got very upset for 3 months straight.

Also, I was able to clip my mom's finger and toe nails after she was fresh out of the shower. They were so ridiculously long and she is so dramatic about having her nails cut. But I got it done, though, she flinched a few times. I'm just glad they aren't eagle talons anymore. I put socks on her and she thanked me.

I will be adding socks to my mom's Amazon wishlist. I have no idea where all her socks are going, as she has no matching pairs, but she has to have them because her body doesn't regulate heat that well and her feet get painfully cold. She likes fuzzy socks that aren't too tight around her ankles.

A few photos from Christmas.  None of me.  We invited our friend Gemal to Christmas.  She's from O'ahu, so she doesn't have a lot of Ohana here, and since my brother missed this Christmas, we decided to have Gemal come over for the holidays.  She's a sweet lady.


My mom was too exhausted for any of the festivities








Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Gift Giving

Why I liked giving my kids Christmas gifts (or any other gift) when they were little... I remembered being a kid and anticipating the holidays. I couldn't wait to tear through the paper and get to the goodies inside. It was exciting. 

I saw a video of a mom saying, "Gifts?" as she flipped the light switch on, laundry she was folding, pantry full of foods, a flushing toilet, opening a refrigerator that was stocked...each with a Christmas bow on it. No, those are things everybody needs in a functioning household and a privilege. They are not gifts. A gift is a treat...individually tailored kindness. Don't act like parenting and spousing duties are considered a gift. That's an excuse for lazy love. Show you appreciate your child or spouse individually. 

Gifts don't have to be expensive and they don't have to be from a list. You do it because you want to express your love or gratitude in a unique way. 

Quick story most people know, a little drummer boy didn't have a gift for the newborn king. All he had was his music. So he brought his drum and played a song. No list, no Frankincense, no Myrrh, no gold...he brought his presence and a love song.

Oh, hi.

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