Book Title: The Foundling: A NovelAuthor: Ann Leary
Genre: Historic, Fiction
Main Character: Mary, Lillian, Dr. Vogel
Story Setting: Pennsylvania, Nettleton State Village for the Feebleminded Women of Childbearing Age Story Summary:
Mary Engle works for Dr. Vogel of the Nettleton State Village for the Feebleminded Women of Childbearing age. She recognizes one of the residents as Lillian, a person she was raised at an orphanage with. She knows Lillian is not feebleminded. She wants to help Lillian escape the asylum.
The book does NOT take place during Christmas time. It is NOT a Christmas book, but toward the end of the book, it is Winter and Christmastime. The book is riveting, a suspense, a thriller, and dramatic. I recommend it to anyone who likes historic fiction. Note, the wording for mentally challenged or disabled people is crass and outdated, reminiscient of the time before diagnostic names were used to categorize and identify mental disorders and challenges.
I suggest this book to anyone who is curious about the way the mentally challenged were treated, or even the normal were treated before certain laws were implemented. This book showcases racism, misogyny, and how people treated people back then.