Love, Mom
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Las Vegas 2024
We got these at the ABC Store on Fremont Street, which is a store located every few buildings on the Waikiki strip in Oahu. If you're looking for Li Hing Mui candies and powders, the ABC Store on Fremont Street has it all. They have expensive chocolate mac nuts and Hawaiian coffee, that you can get cheaper in the Islands.
Anyway, Vegas Santa will be decorating my tree this year. I don't care if my sister puts her tree up, I'm putting mine up too, even if it's a little tree, because I want to look at my ornaments.
Thursday, February 1, 2024
🥒Pickle Tradition🥒
“Christmas isn’t about candy canes or lights all aglow, it’s the hearts that we touch, and the care that we show.” – Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas |
I usually shrink my photos, but I left his one large so you can read the purpose of the Christmas pickle. |
So, here's to my future Christmas tree.
In the future, I want to buy a Christmas book written in Pidgin, it's about the Musubi Man instead of the Gingerbread Man. I think that will be a great addition. I have been slacking. I used to always buy a Christmas-themed book out, because I'm not much into watching Christmas movies. I think I would love to display the Musubi Man book and start reading more, again.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
New Ornaments
“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” ― Bob Hope
Sunday, December 19, 2021
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” ― Hamilton Wright Mabie
One of the traditions Trevor brought to our household that I never really decorated with, is the mistletoe. His good friend, Valerie, whom they refer to each other as siblings, has a daughter named Raelynn. She's better known as Squishy.Trevor kissed Squishy under the mistletoe. It would be the last hug and kiss in a very long time as we will be moving to California.
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Christmas Photos 2021
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say
On a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day
That's the island greeting that we send to you
From the land where palm trees sway
Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright
The sun to shine by day, and all the stars at night
Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way
to say merry Christmas to you
―R. Alex Anderson
Usually, every November, I start preparing for Christmas cards. I want my cards to get to my loved ones before Christmas. These Christmas pictures came out beautifully. It showcases my love for Tiki art and Trevor's love for the Green Bay Packers. This was taken in our apartment in front of our tree. Of course, his mug actually had coffee in it.
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Green Bay Packers Tree
“When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things - not the great occasions - give off the greatest glow of happiness.” ― Bob Hope
Here's our first apartment together since Trevor got back to Salem, Oregon from his stay in Hawaii. I was in the Christmas spirit early (November), but I didn't want to seem ridiculous to my peers, so instead of decorating with a "Christmas" theme, I decorated my tree in Green Bay Packers for the month of November. We are Green Bay Packers fans, so this worked out for Trevor. On December 1st, I'd change it to Mele Kalikimaka.This may be a tradition in the years to come.
So, if you ever want to get us something for Christmas, Green Bay Packers is perfect for us. Anything Green Bay Packers!
I want this tree so gaudy and cheesy (pun intended) in future pre-Christmases, during football season.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Gifts from a Tenant
“A lovely thing about Christmas is that it's compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.” ― Garrison Keillor, Leaving Home
Today, one of my RV tenants, stopped by to give me my late Christmas gift. It was an ornament of a trailer and a pair of men's socks. I will regift the socks to Trevor as they will fit him better. I don't know how I got so lucky in meeting such wonderful people. I haven't been around such warm-hearted people in all my life.Friday, December 27, 2019
Green Bay Packers Ornament
“I truly believe that if we keep telling the Christmas story, singing the Christmas songs, and living the Christmas spirit, we can bring joy and happiness and peace to this world.” ― Norman Vincent Peale
I ordered these Green Bay Packers NFL ornaments in Trevor's tradition of a new ornament every year. I received them tonight.I can't wait to see his reaction.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Naughty Gingerbread
“Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies!” ― Francis P. Church
Trevor's tradition of a new ornament every year was his naughty Gingerbread Man that he got on the post-Christmas clearance rack at Hot Topic. There's a reason it was on the clearance rack! Alas, Trevor is a prankster.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Tiny Tree
“Christmas works like glue, it keeps us all sticking together.” ― Rosie Thomas, Iris & Ruby
It's still only November, but I really wanted to put my tiny tree up. We won't have a large tree this year due to the set-up of my living room. I just couldn't wait for December to deck my home. It fit, perfectly, on our bookshelf. I even put little decorations in front of Trevor's daughters' pictures.It sure is quaint and cute. I still have to think of a theme we will go with for future Christmases.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Mele Kalikimaka
“I stood for almost an hour in a line of shuffling, bitter-eyed late mailers (Christmas is such a carefree, low - pressure time - that's one of the things I love about it),...” ― Stephen King
Trevor, received a tiny, decorated bag at work from his Filipino co-workers. The bag is kind of feminine, so he passed it on to me.The contents were two boxes of whitening soap, by a company called Magical! I was like, "What are you trying to tell me?" He said, "Nothing. I just saw two little soaps with a chick on it and thought I would give it to you."
What a sweetie pie for thinking of me.
What baffles me about this soap is the precedence of self-hate that darker completed Asians feel the need to lighten their skin. Having grown up in beach cities of southern California, I loved a tan or "healthy glow" from having some sun light. Lightening my skin has never been a thought that crossed my mind.
I love my freckles and beauty marks. It makes me unique. As the song goes..."A face without freckles is like a sky without stars." Needless to say, that was an interesting gift.
He got them a Mickey Mouse popcorn maker to share. I love to see genuinely grateful children.
I didn't think I'd get a gift for Christmas, because to some, I was bad in 2016. I just had a break-up from my kids father, and we were together for 21 years. It will come to fruition, the blessing it was that we separated because in the end, good things will come for both of us. We just don't know it, yet.
I live in Makaha Valley. It's a small town on the far west side of O'ahu, Hawaii. The neighbor girl across the street received a goat for Christmas. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen, yet.
But, I did receive gifts. I received a handmade quilt by Trevor's mom, Jodie. Valerie gave us a personalized glass Christmas ornament. Trevor bought me a my first Mele Kalikimaka ornament as is tradition in his family (giving an ornament every year). He also gave me a rose, after driving an hour to come see me. It certainly made a bittersweet Christmas a bit better.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
My First Real Nutcracker
Tonight, Mike and I went to Home Depot and I couldn't resist getting this nutcracker. I've named him Monsieur l'Argent (Mr. Silver [or Mr. Money] in French). In pre-Germany, nutcrackers were given for good luck and protection of your home. Mine is 15 inches, but I would love a taller one. Monsieur l'Argent will do for my first nutcracker, though.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Christmas Pickle
Either way, it states you should hide the pickle in the tree before the kids come to the tree to open their gifts. The first child to find the pickle can open their gift first or receive a reward, be it money or a treat. How neat is that?
Personally, I like this way better than Elf on a Shelf.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Feeling Festive
"I heard the bells on Christmas Day / Their old familiar carols play." — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
November Decorating
I was in the Christmas spirit and began decorating right after my birthday. We didn't have much, but I made do with what we had and what I could afford. The only thing Christmasy about our place was one corner of the kitchen counter. The kids will be a little pleased with the dollar store junkfood...it's all for them. That cookie jar is actually rather expensive, though, and really needed a cleaning, as it was dusty.
My kid's father, Mike, got off the living room floor among all his music equipment that I was trying to clean (it was cluttering the living room). Everything is dusted, rearranged and less cluttered. Thankfully! While patiently waiting for him to move, I hung up a Christmas curtain in the kitchen.
Oh, hi.