
For my three adult children, Sienna, Kalib, and Christopher. I enjoy(ed) bringing you joy every year as children, and I do hope that you will carry on the Christmas tradition in years to come. I love you all so very much. 💋
Love, Mom

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Kiss Me Under the Donut

“The donut dunked herself in coffee But burnt herself in the process And despite the scars she bore She was delicious anyways” ― Brendan Bigney, Atomic Kiss 

 Trevor and I went to the Donut Life Museum (now closed) and on the way out, he wanted to kiss me under a donut, just like we would under the mistletoe. He HAS to have a mistletoe for Christmas. This is reason #847 why I love him so much.

I wrote this on November 16, 2012 in a Facebook post:
Mistletoe was held sacred by the Norse, the Celtic Druids and the North American Indians. The Druid priests would cut mistletoe from an oak tree with a golden sickle. The branches had to be caught before they touched the ground. 
They then divided the branches into many sprigs and distributed them to the people, who hung them over doorways as protection against thunder, lightning and other evils. The folklore continued over the centuries. It was believed that a sprig placed in a baby's cradle would protect the child from goblins. Giving a sprig to the first cow calving after New Year would protect the entire herd. 
Mistletoe is a symbol for peace and joy. The idea originated in the ancient times of the Druids: whenever enemies met under the mistletoe in the forest, they had to lay down their arms and observe a truce until the next day. From this comes the custom of hanging a ball of mistletoe from the ceiling and exchanging kisses under it as a sign of friendship and goodwill.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Eve and Christmas 2021

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ” ― Norman Vincent Peale

 So, we first went up to Washington to visit with our friend Pedro on Christmas Eve.  We met Pedro through the internet, and he's got a bunch of wonderful children.  He said he was invited back to the north part of Oregon to a friend's home for Christmas.  The friend's name is Izzy.  Izzy's home was very eccentric.  

We sang on the Karaoke machine, ate a wonderful dinner, and then headed back to Washington.  Because it was late and cold, we slept at Pedro's home.  Pedro served us a nice breakfast made with duck eggs and chorizo for Christmas breakfast. Then we stopped by my nephew Daniel's home in Gladstone, Oregon. My nephew Daniel's girlfriend Pam and my niece Anya made Christmas sugar cookies. Pam gave us cookies for our trip home. They are too cute to eat.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Gifts from Tenants

“Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind. ” ― Mary Ellen Chase

I am so grateful for the tenants I've met that appreciate us in the office here in Salem, Oregon.  Here are a couple things that were brought to the office.  It makes up for not being around my family during the holidays...a teensy bit.  

One made a bunch of cookies and the other gave me a mug and socks.

Oh, hi.

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