
For my three adult children, Sienna, Kalib, and Christopher. I enjoy(ed) bringing you joy every year as children, and I do hope that you will carry on the Christmas tradition in years to come. I love you all so very much. 💋
Love, Mom

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas Survey 2018

“Christmas is the gentlest, loveliest festival of the revolving year - and yet, for all that, when it speaks, its voice has strong authority. ” ― W.J. Cameron

☕1- Eggnog or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate.
🎁 2- Does/Did Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrapped
🏡 3- Colored lights on tree/house or white? White.
💋 4- Do you hang mistletoe? Yes
🎄5- When do you hang your decorations up? Whenever I feel like
🥗 6- What’s your favorite holiday dish *including dessert? Tamales, pumpkin pie, and pretty much any cookies
🎅 7- Favorite holiday memory as a child? When family would visit or wed visit family. The food.
⛄ 8- What is on your Christmas wishlist this year? More presence, less presents.
🎀 9- Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? Nope.
🎄 10- How do you decorate your Christmas tree? How ever the way I want.
❄️ 11- Snow. Love it or dread it? Unsure, yet. This is my first year in a snowy place.
💝 12- Do you remember your favorite gift? No
❤️ 13- What’s the most important thing about Christmas to you? Making memories.
🍭 14- What’s you favorite holiday candy? Mint chocolates.
🌲 15- What is your favorite tradition? Used to take my kids to look at lights when they were little.
👼 16- What tops your tree? Star
🎁 17- Do you prefer giving or receiving? Giving
🎶 18- What is your favorite Christmas song? I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
🍥19- Candy Canes, yuck or yum? Only the peppermint kind
🎥 20- Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Carol
🍪 21- What do/did you leave for Santa? Cookies and milk
🎅 22- Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? No
👜 23- Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall? Whatever. I hate shopping anyway.
💌 24- Christmas letter or card? Card

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